Answered By: Jess Tovey
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2019     Views: 68

Please make sure that you check all references that you import from Google Scholar into EndNotechecking that all the information you need has been imported and that it is in the correct fields.

First you will need to configure Google Scholar to save references in a format EndNote can import.

If you are using EndNote Online:

1. Click on the 'hamburger' symbol in the top left

2. Click on 'settings'

3. Under 'Bibliography Manager' select the option 'Show links to import citations into' and choose 'RefMan' from the drop-down list.  Do not choose 'EndNote'.

4. Click on 'Save'.  To retain these settings you must turn on cookies on your computer.

To export a reference:

1. Select 'Import into RefMan'

2. A pop-up will appear - select EndNote Online.  (If you are using Chrome, right click on your downloaded file and select 'Open' in order to display the pop-up).  You will see a message '...references exported to'.

You should be able to see your newly imported references by going to 'My References' and selecting 'All My References', and on the right-hand side selecting Sort by: 'Added to Library - newest to oldest' to see your latest references at the top of the page.

If you are using EndNote Desktop:

1. Click on the 'hamburger' symbol in the top left

2. Click on 'settings'

3. Under 'Bibliography Manager' select the option 'Show links to import citations into' and choose 'EndNote'

4. Click on 'Save'.  To retain these settings you must turn on cookies on your computer.

To export a reference:

Select 'Import into EndNote'.  Your 'Imported References' will appear in 'My Library' on the left.

Always ensure you check your references to ensure they are formatted correctly in either BU Harvard or APA style before submitting your work for marking.

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