Answered By: Jess Tovey
Last Updated: Jul 02, 2019     Views: 77

To save articles, you can either save them within your EBSCOhost account or you can export them to EndNote (see link at the bottom for EndNote instructions):

1.  In Find It, click 'Sign In' in the top right and login with your EBSCOhost username and password:

If you have not created an EBSCOhost account, click on the 'Create one now' link at the bottom of the screen:

You must sign in to EBSCOhost in order to save your articles.  If you are not signed in, any articles you add to a folder will only be saved for the duration of your current Find It session.

2.  Either click on the folder icons to the right of the article titles you want to save to add them to a folder:

Or, click 'Share' and select 'Results (1-50)' from the pop-up box to save all articles on the page.  Click on the Folder icon at the top of the page to access your folders:

  • You can create 'Custom' folders for different topics.  To create a new folder, click on the 'Folder' icon at the top of the page.  Click the 'New' link in the left-hand menu, give your folder a name, select where you want to save it, add any notes and click 'Save'.
  • You can share your Custom folders with your colleagues by clicking the 'Share' link beneath the folder name in the left-hand menu, enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the folder with and click 'Invite'.

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